2024 Proposed Events


Friday to Sunday 9-11 February, Gnoo Blas Classic Car Show, Orange NSW

One of the year’s BIG events that attracts enthusiasts from NSW, Queensland, ACT & even Victoria. Friday night dinner at Garnon’s ‘local’ Spring Hill pub, FABULOUS HUGE car show on Saturday at Jack Brabham Park in Orange, join with the local car club for their celebration dinner on Saturday night and breakfast at Lucknow before heading home. Club AGM (very brief) will be held on Saturday morning as soon as the cars are parked up for the show and before the PA starts. Just come for the car show or any part of the weekend. Separate booking & payment for the car show & Saturday night dinner will need to be done beforehand. Watch emails for details. Otherwise, just let the Secretary know you are coming so you get the essential ‘meeting up’ details for the Saturday morning. Unless you are just coming for the day, you’ll need to book accommodation. Many of us regularly stay in cabins at the Canobolas Caravan Park, 166-172 Bathurst Rd – W, Orange NSW 2800, P: 02 6362 7279


TBC Sunday 10 March – Linnwood House, Guildford NSW, ANNIVERSARY PICNIC & PHOTO OPP Cars for display can arrive from 10am. Historic house open 11am to 3pm ($5 entry). BYO Picnic or purchase refreshments (bbq, morning/afternoon tea) from Friends of Linnwood. Coffee van on site. A very relaxed day – come & go whenever you like.

TBC EASTER Geminats – 29 March to 1 April Venue TBA



Sunday 21 May – National Motoring Heritage Day



TBA Newcastle All Japan Day


Sunday 18 August – Shannons Sydney Classic, Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek, NSW. LIMITED PLACES – reserve your spot now for this popular event.



Sunday TBA October – South Aust. Bay to Birdwood

Date TBA – Bellett Nationals, Yarra Valley, Victoria



TBC Young, NSW National Cherry Festival